Notes from the Field

RepresentWomen’s 2023 Gender Parity Index

RepresentWomen has just released their 2023 Gender Parity Index, marking the 10 year anniversary of the GPI

For those who are not familiar with the GPI, here is a quick rundown: This index examines women’s representation in each state at the local, state, and congressional levels. A gender balance score is created for each of these levels and then added up! The total score is on a scale from 0-100, with 50 being perfect gender balance. Based on the state’s score, they are given a letter grade for how well they did – please reference the below map to see how your state did!

RepresentWomen gathered data from the Center for American Women in Politics at Rutgers University, Ballotpedia, and the National Conference of State Legislatures. A huge thanks to these groups for providing numbers on women in Congress, state executive office, state legislatures, and mayoral office! If you would like to request a copy of the data, please contact RepresentWomen’s research team at

Here are a few highlights from this year’s index:

  • Two states have achieved an “A” grade for the first time. Maine ranks first, with a rounded score of 54/100. Oregon ranks second, with a score of 53/100.
  • The U.S. is a little over halfway to Parity with an Average Parity Score of 27. The new record-high for women governors has boosted state grades in the last year, bringing the national average to 27 in 2023 from 25 in 2022.
  • About half of US states (24) earned a “D” or worse in the 2023 GPI. With a low score of 9/100, Louisiana has achieved an “F” for the eighth year in a row.

The GPI lays the groundwork for RepresentWomen’s signature research and support for systems-level solutions, like gender-balanced recruitment and funding targets (RUN), single- and multi-winner ranked choice voting (WIN), modern legislative practices (SERVE), and gender-balanced appointments (LEAD). 

If you have any questions, comments, or would like to help support RepresentWomen’s work, please contact them at

About RepresentWomen

RepresentWomen advances women’s representation and leadership in the United States and abroad. With our research, we work in concert with our partners to address systemic barriers women, especially women of color, face when running for office and governing. Together, we can ensure that more women can run, win, serve, and lead.